Informatization construction

Design platform

  • The technology center has established a Research and development system and process dominated by Product Life Cycle Management(PLM).It has built a leading R&D Center for heavy equipment in product R&D design、process、testing means、infomatin management and engineering complete sets. It strives to achieve “product generation、reserve generation、R&D generation”,and realize the goals of Excellent tradition industry、Stronger superiority industry and Greate Emerging industry.

    The technology center is equipped with advanced design and development tools and experimental platforms ,which provide sufficient data support for heavy products and constantly promote innovation.Through the construction of product life cycle management platform、product service cloud platform and data center. The safety and accuracy of product life cycle data can be improved.At the same time,through the sharing of R&D tools、standard system and experimental platform,the R&D level of enterprises in the same industry will be promoted in an all-round way.

    Based on PDM platform, the whole life cycle management platform integrates product design and product R&D activities of R&D center,covering R&D、design、process、simulation analysis、test and verification,Realizes collaboration design vertical electromechanical、hydraulic and transmission among Multispecialties , such as horizontal CAD、CAE、CAPP、CAM and ERP、MS system data interchange at different stages will bring into play the advantages of over 60 years’product experience data,constantly improve the product standardization system,promote in-depth integration of theoretical research and product verification,and ultimately achieve product life cycle management.

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